"Pepper in the Garden"


Gift..Privately Owned

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This simple painting was produced with but one intent, to help heal a wounded soul.
"Pepper" was the beloved pet of my Mother and Father in-law. A true companion
of many years, this feline was an integral and irreplaceable part of their family,
but sadly, passed away a few years ago after a long life.
It was a crushing loss for them, particularly my Father in-law.
One Christmas, snap shots in hand, as if a child asking for a few extra minutes to
play, he calmly asked me, at my leisure, if I could paint his beloved "Pepper".
A gracious request that I could not refuse. Studying several photos closely,
I was able to capture the personality and "attitude" of this
apartment dwelling cat that so enriched their lives.
With all my love, the following Christmas, I presented......."Pepper in the Garden"